ABST Conference indicates a bright future for the bakery industry
June 17, 2016

Last weekend saw the Alliance for Bakery Students and Trainees (ABST) hold their annual conference and AGM.
RedBlack Software was incredibly proud to sponsor this wonderful event for the second year running, with yours truly available all weekend to answer students’ questions about the UK’s favourite bakery management software.
Tech-savvy students were keen to see Cybake in action. Many were particularly excited by our food information solution, Infood, which greatly reduces the amount of boring admin work involved in the production and distribution of legally-required food information.
One student from the National Bakery School at London South Bank University exclaimed: “Wow, you’ve just done bakers a massive favour!”
After Friday’s AGM, Saturday saw the judging of hundreds of products – some brought from across the country, some prepared in live completions – in over 30 categories.
During the afternoon, the annual lob the cob competition (in which students must use a peel to hurl an 800g cob the furthest distance!) took place, with awards in each of the competition categories presented in the evening.
Despite stiff competition, each of the contestants fought hard for their accolades, with every delegation taking home at least one award.
The ABST is a really great organisation that gives students a real head-start in the industry. These conferences showcase their commitment to ensuring that the future of our industry is ready for whatever challenges it might face.
We would like to thank Chris Abbott, Matthew May and everyone else on the ABST conference team for a warm welcome and a fantastic weekend for all involved.
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.