All smiles at The Bakers and Butchers Extravaganza
October 13, 2015

The CyBake crew were out in full force for the inaugural Baker’s and Butchers Extravaganza in Harrogate last weekend.
The event lived up to its billing as an event for the industry put on by the industry. Congratulations are due, therefore, to its organisers, the Craft Bakers’ Association (CBA) and The Confederation of Yorkshire Butchers Councils.
The CBA held its AGM the day before the Extravaganza followed by a well-attended dinner. This attracted a good many bakers from “down south”, which meant we got to bump into CyBakers from all over England. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.
The next day was the show itself. We noticed a significant increase in visitors compared to previous events of a similar nature. And because of the CBA’s sessions the day before, it attracted more visitors from the whole of the UK.
The Extravaganza also lived up to its billing as a family day out for the trade and it was good to see so many bakers and butchers brought their kids along. True to their promise, the organisers had put together a number of child-friendly activities including some great circus-type performers.
This included the all-important cupcake and cookie-making competition which we sponsored and which meant CyBake director Martin Coyle was on hand for judging duties (pictured, below). A big thank you to all junior bakers who took part and everyone who took the trouble to visit us on the CyBake stand.
Bakers and Butchers Extravaganza
Craft Bakers Association
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.