Cybake team gets bakers up and running with easy way to take online orders from home delivery customers

Cybake’s tech team has come up with a quick and easy way for bakers to receive orders online during and after the current situation.
The Cybake team has set up twelve bakers (and counting) so far with order-taking e-commerce websites using the popular cloud-based Wix and WooCommerce website builder apps and a template which is then used to import data into Cybake.
There is no need for manual processing as orders are imported into Cybake which puts them straight into production and can also organise picking, packing and deliveries. Set up is relatively easy and in, most cases, only takes a few hours.
All bakers are required to do is buy a subscription to Wix, WooCommerce or most other web building platforms. The Cybake team will guide you through the rest and show you how process orders using the web builder platform of your choice.
We are providing this new online ordering package completely free of charge throughout the period that social distancing measures are in place.
Cybake users will be charged £20 per month thereafter should they wish to continue with home deliveries after the current restrictions are lifted. Many bakeries, both retail and wholesale, have already told us that they plan to retain their new home delivery services.
While some retail bakeries had e-commerce order-taking facilities built into their websites before the lockdown, most did not. This is hampering their efforts to switch to home deliveries throughout the coronavirus emergency in a profitable manner.
All new orders have to be taken by phone or email and then need re-keying into their bakery management system to set up a deluge of new domestic accounts, put them into production, and then schedule dispatch, packing and delivery.
Similarly, the vast majority of wholesale bakeries (whose orders from local trade customers disappeared overnight when the lockdown was introduced) have no way or taking orders online.
Cybake’s new “quick and easy” online ordering package is part of a series of emergency measures for Cybake users and bakers in the UK in Ireland more generally, which has included setting up the online Baker Direct home delivery directory.
Please note that only Cybake users can take advantage of this package. Non-users are required to purchase a monthly Cybake subscription for it to work. However, it should also be noted that we have made implementing Cybake as easy as possible. Depending on the size and scope of your bakery, we can have you set up in 24 hours.
If you want to take online home delivery orders please call, email, use our contact form or message us below. Bakeries that continue through the crisis are doing their respective nations proud. Our aim is to support you all the way.