CyBake shows off Infood at Allergy & Free From Show North, Nov 7-8
October 30, 2015
We are exhibiting our Infood® food information solution at the Allergy & Free From Show North at Liverpool’s Exhibition Centre next weekend, November 7-8.
Infood is our recipe-based application used by food operators to ensure full compliance with FIR/FIC regulations. It provides accurate allergen and nutritional information on labels, till receipts and websites, plus it generates product specification documents. Infood also integrates with production and invoicing systems, removing countless days of data entry.
We will be showcasing the latest version of the cloud-based application which now features an expanded product library and a new product claims setup function.
One of three annual UK Free From shows (plus one in Berlin), The Liverpool event features over 100 exhibitors, showcasing some of the best free from products on the market as well as live cooking demonstrations, seminars and activities for kids. It promises to be a great weekend for the whole family.
If you are coming, don’t forget to visit Infood on stand C54.
If you are stuggling to be compliant with the FIC/FIR/EU No 1169/2011 rules, check out the Infood website. We wouldn’t be surprised if it was just the thing you are looking for.
And if you want a bit more info on why the free from sector is growing at such an exponential rate, check out this infographic we put together on the subject.
Allergy & Free From Show North
EU No 1169/201
free from
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.