Feeling a bit insecure?
October 22, 2018

Some of the most common anxieties among bakers concern their I.T. systems. Are they secure? Are they backed up? What if hardware breaks or gets stolen?
Bakers, by their very nature, tend to be good with systems and technology. But things can, and do, go wrong.
What happens, for example, if the server running your bakery management software malfunctions? We’ve seen situations where this happens, the bakery’s backup also fails and all data is lost.
The bakery is forced to restore its system from scratch. Quite apart from buying new hardware, this leads to the painstaking rekeying of recipes, customer data and order histories.
Cyber-threats also cause system shutdowns. Sad to say, ransomware attacks on small British businesses are common and bakers are no exception. Other malware attacks range from pure vandalism to clever attempts to access your firm’s financial info.
Old bakery applications that require users to run unsupported operating systems like Windows XP are particularly at risk from such sneaky endeavors. And that’s on top of real-world risks like theft, fire and flooding.
Our new, cloud-based Cybake 4 bakery management system makes all these worries disappear. Cybake 4 is delivered online via Microsoft’s Azure platform. Users don’t have to maintain their own server hardware; their application runs in a hyper-secure Microsoft data centre, safe from cyber or real-world threats.
Apart from being super-secure, Cybake 4 backs itself continuously, so there can be no data loss. You can access your data securely whenever and wherever you want from any device with a browser. Updates are added automatically. There’s no anxiety, no downtime and no drama.
If your bakery suffered an unfortunate I.T-related event, how long would you be able to manage? If the reality is that any kind of prolonged outage would be a disaster, get peace of mind with a modern, cloud-based system.
To find out how we can get you up and running with Cybake 4, call us on 01904 622888, email us at info@cybake.co.uk or drop us a line on our contact page.
bakery security
bakery software
cloud computing
Microsoft Azure
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.