Is old software threatening your baking business?
September 19, 2018

Are you running software in your bakery that’s a danger to your business?
Since we released cloud-based Cybake 4, we’ve talked to a lot of bakers we haven’t spoken to before. More than a few have brought something to our attention that has, frankly, left us scratching our heads.
It turns out that there are bakery management packages that require their users to run completely obsolescent systems. At least one only runs on Windows XP.
Microsoft stopped selling XP in 2008. The operating system’s famously extended support ran out in 2014. Successors such as Windows Vista and Windows 7 are similarly redundant.
In our view, this presents a clear danger. What happens if the PCs you use to run your application break? Do you source old hardware that still runs long-unsupported operating systems? Do you just try to run your old software on new Windows 10 machines and hope it works? And don’t even get us started on security…
If you have found yourself in this situation, we would love to hear how you resolved it. To our mind, it’s a scenario that leaves bakers exposed. If the system you’ve relied on to run your business for years goes up in smoke, how much damage will be done to your day-to-day operations?
Obviously, we’re biased towards the cloud model which means our users don’t have to worry about these issues. Cloud-based applications like Cybake back themselves up, they can’t be lost due to hardware problems and you can access them securely whenever and wherever you want from any device with a browser.
Seriously, if you are running your bakery on XP or Vista, you might want to be looking at something new.
Windows Vista
Windows XP
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.