May’s CyBake Update newsletter published - Cybake


May’s CyBake Update newsletter published

May 5, 2015

In the May, 2015, edition of our regular CyBake Update email newsletter, we have news about Jane Tyler joining the British Society of Baking’s executive committee, plus the lowdown on the organisation’s upcoming 60th birthday.

We also take a look at the events we’re involved in over the next few weeks, including the Scottish Bakers’ conference and Campden BRI’s Food Service Member Interest Group. Our usual roll-call of new members of the CyBake user family this issue includes Olivia’s Artisan Bakery, The Running Fox and The French Corner.

There’s also a case study that looks at how award-winning Leicester bakery Brucciani uses CyBake to improve order accuracy and profit analysis.

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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.

Company profile

We started creating ERP-class software solutions for the baking industry in 1998.

Since then, we’ve gained a reputation for friendly and reliable customer support, a deep understanding of retail and wholesale bakery, and for our expertise in cutting-edge systems and technology.

Now, bakers of all types and sizes rely on Cybake® bakery software to control their businesses, cut admin, improve efficiency and increase sales.