RedBlack releases Cybake Outbound mobile delivery module for wholesale bakers

RedBlack Software today announces Cybake Outbound, a mobile delivery management module for wholesale users of its Cybake 4 bakery control system.
With Cybake Outbound, customers now sign for goods on drivers’ phones instead of paper delivery notes. The cloud-based app loads easily onto drivers’ phones and tells them which customers to deliver to, what to deliver and the best route to take via Google Maps.
The app also give drivers the option to verify unattended (often very early-morning) drop offs by taking proof-of-delivery photos.
Cybake Outbound is very simple to use, with a self-evident interface that makes it easy for drivers that are new to the route or the job, telling them what to do each step of the way.
With the new app, bakery drivers can make adjustments to deliveries on their phones which are updated straight into their company’s Cybake management system. Previously, drivers wrote adjustments (queried goods, returns, credits etc) on duplicate delivery notes which then had to be rekeyed into Cybake back at head office.
Uniquely, drivers can also amend customers’ standing orders with the new module and take orders for items on the spot or for a future date, providing better customer service and the opportunity for upselling.
Cybake Outbound was developed at the request of users of the Cybake 4 bakery management system, which already plans delivery routes for wholesale bakers. For these users, the benefits of the new module are clear.
Firstly, there is no longer a need for bakery firms to print out route maps, invoices and delivery notes for their drivers, saving huge amounts of time, paper and printing costs.
Secondly, all interactions between drivers and customers are inputted straight into Cybake via the new app. Production requirements are adjusted accordingly throughout the whole system and the endless rekeying of data required by paper-based note-taking is eliminated.
Thirdly, as drivers can now deal with adjustments, standing orders and queries on the spot, bakers spend less time on the phone at head office dealing with misunderstandings or chasing them up.
As well as improving account management, head office sees the incoming proofs of delivery as drop-offs are made, so staff can relay the status of deliveries better. Delivery drivers can dial each customer’s number at the touch of a symbol on their Cybake Outbound screen to inform them of where they are up to, further improving the customer experience.
Unlike other systems which tie users to specific types of specialist PDAs or operating system, Cybake Outbound works on any smartphone, Android, iOS or Windows. There is no capital outlay and no need to spend money on expensive generic delivery tracking software.
Jane Tyler, managing director of RedBlack Software, says: “Bakers want to cut their printing costs, go paperless and save the planet. That’s the message we got from very many of our users, so we developed Cybake Outbound to do just that.
All bakers produce a proliferation of paper in the form of invoices, production reports and delivery notes. Although some customers may still want three-part paperwork, with this new module, bakers can now give them the choice. Electronic delivery notes have the added advantage that they update the Cybake system so no further data entry is needed.”