Want to modernize your bakery in 2023? Act now!

At around this time, many bakery owners are thinking of ways to shift their business up a gear in the year to come.
Time moves fast and the future beckons. But 2023 holds particular challenges for bakeries, with the need to keep costs down and staff shortages uppermost in the minds of all operators.
An excellent way to kill both birds with one stone is to automate time-intensive admin jobs with bakery management software. On one hand, you get a system that, for example, collects and presents you with an overview of your orders, generates your production reports and delivery notes, and automatically invoices your customers.
On the other, you minimize the amount of valuable time your skilled bakers spend on mundane administrative functions.
It all makes perfect business sense. But if you are thinking along these lines for 2023, the time to start putting things into place is right now.
Like I say, time marches on. And while I very much hope that you choose us, other bakery management systems are available. Due diligence alone means time spent on selection and serious conversations with the providers involved.
In the case of Cybake, there is also the selection of which parts of the software you want to deploy. Whether large or small, retail or wholesale (or both), every bakery business is different. Each one has its own priorities as to what needs to be automated and in which order. It could be order processing (as outlined above), or recipe management and ingredients declarations on labels, or shop ordering, or something else.
All the above takes consideration, plus there is also the question of how quickly you can get up and running with your new bakery software. Unless you have a pressing need to have your admin functions automated beforehand, you are unlikely to want to get started during the Christmas rush.
The post Yuletide and New Year period, however, is often the quietest for our customers. It’s the perfect time to implement a new bakery management system and for us to train your team to be fully up to speed with using it.
And although January and February can be quieter times for bakeries, they tend toward the opposite for us. It is an unfortunate fact that critical weaknesses in bakeries’ operations tend to be the most exposed over the festive season, so solutions to eliminate them are most in demand in its aftermath.
Then, before we all know it, it will be Easter. Another busy sales cycle will be underway. Maybe plans to modernize your bakery will get put on the back burner until, well, this time next year. Of course, then it will be Christmas, and another ideal window of opportunity will have come and gone.
From what our users tell us, this scenario can roll around a few times over before they finally get in touch. So, if you want to hit the ground running in 2023, now is the best time to set the wheels in motion.
Interested in modernizing your bakery? It all starts with a conversation, so why not get in touch today via our contact page or using our webchat below?