How our allergen information system is more relevant than ever
November 12, 2018

In early 2014, we started work on a new application called Cybake Fi, later renamed as Infood, after requests from our users to help them with the new food information regulations that were coming into force that year.
To comply with FIR, the application had to generate specification documents, output the right allergen and nutrition information to labelling software and also make this information easily available to consumers of loose goods and items prepared in operators’ premises.
As you can see from the launch video above, the idea we came up with for our retailers was pretty simple: any customer could be given the allergen information they needed on demand on a till receipt printout or on an EPOS screen.
Four years later, we’ve seen another spike of enquiries about Infood. It seems that our application is more relevant than ever after recent tragedies involving food allergies threw a stark spotlight on Britain’s food information regulations.
Further legislation looms. The government indicates that new food labelling laws could come into force as early as next summer. The company at the centre of the recent cases says that it will label all products prepared in its kitchens in future. Others will surely follow in a bid to increase their customers’ safety and minimise reputational damage.
Our Infood users can already do all of this and, with its till printouts, go even further. If you would like to get peace of mind over FIR compliance and be more proactive about protecting your customers, why not talk to us about joining them?
Infood saves our users time, money and hassle over a painstaking process. It updates any recipe variations, includes a huge reference library and comes in versions for retailers, wholesalers or both.
Infood is a cloud-based solution so you and your staff can connect to it via a browser on any web-enabled device – PC, EPoS till, tablet – at any time. And, as it’s a stand-alone system, you don’t have to be a Cybake customer to use it.
Want to see how Infood works? Get in touch and we’ll give you an online demo.
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Jane Tyler is the managing director of Cybake and was the bakery software’s original creator. She is a regular speaker at food and technology conferences and is also known for championing the cause of food waste reduction.