
Watch Oprah Davidson explain the importance of bakery software

July 23, 2021

If you are wondering what bakery software is – and why artisan & craft bakeries need it ­– industry influencer Oprah Davidson has the answers in a new video and blog.

Oprah is an award-winning baker, works with bakers in the U.S.A. to implement Cybake, and is also a presenter on global baking industry website BAKERpedia.

To add to her usual mix of interviews and baking tips, BAKERpedia asked Oprah to explain bakery software and why it is so crucial to its viewers for its Wisdom Wednesday segment, and here is the result…

Not only that, if all you need is a quick three-minute primer on the topic of bakery software and what to consider when buying it, Oprah has also written this helpful blog on the BAKERpedia website too.

By the way, if you are commercial baker in the United States and you would like to explore Cybake, why not request a demo with Oprah direct right here?

Categories: Blog
Tags: artisan baking BAKERpedia bakery management software bakery software craft bakery Cybake Oprah Davidson U.S.A
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Rachel Hindle is the Business Development Manager of Cybake in the UK and the coordinator of the Independent Cybake Partners group.

Company profile

We started creating ERP-class software solutions for the baking industry in 1998.

Since then, we’ve gained a reputation for friendly and reliable customer support, a deep understanding of retail and wholesale bakery, and for our expertise in cutting-edge systems and technology.

Now, bakers of all types and sizes rely on Cybake® bakery software to control their businesses, cut admin, improve efficiency and increase sales.